No one in the world can listen to my crap but I need someone to share my feelings & I found one:My poor dumb Notebook :) Welcome to my Blog
Monday, December 14, 2009
It's time..
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Marathon to Remember

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
An year @ JVC
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Linguistic No-(n)Sense
Most of the times I would be the part of the conversation yet will not be able to fathom where it’s heading or what’s happening around me, thanks to these languages. My English, a consolation at times antagonizing these frustrations or the distress or may be both.
This frustration reaches its height many a times and I develop an urge to learn Mandarin. Actually all. To have a ‘Lostless’ conversation if I can call it. The urge rises like a tide and like a tide falls as though it is bound to happen. Nevertheless I am always game to learn Mandarin. Potential teachers or companions please please find me. In the end I and my linguistic skills are always a bickering couple who never make peace.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Racing against time
After coming to
Friday, September 18, 2009
Federer's aborted mission

As usual a post after every grandslam. Most of the times the post is followed on the immediate day. This time didn't feel like posting. Not because Roger lost. Just felt that way.
Woke up at 5 in the morning, squinting switched on my laptop. Fed was leading and I stopped squinting and started beaming. Felt Fed was on his way to shatter the all time records. The second set dragged to a tie break and knowing Fed’s deftness in wrapping up the tie breakers I assumed
The third set added fuel to the fire and I was happy that I will not be missing the presentation and at the same time reaching my office on time. The fourth set doused those flames when
When I reached the office and stared at the score my first thought was what score am I staring at. Slowly it came to the senses that Fed actually did loose the match. My spirits sank.
Ok this is my analysis though some of my friends don’t agree. What I felt was its not
Roger’s serve let him down and eventually the Championship. Had it not been for his serve he would have made it for the 6th successive win. And regarding
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
55 Words
Friday, August 28, 2009
It's Official: I can swim
Years back I had this urge of learning swimming during my brief stays at
Much has changed since then but the desire to emulate a fish still remained intact. My second learning session (once a week) to become a ‘complete-swimmer’ started a month and a half ago. My coach was wonderful, teaching me with a heightened patience. He has always been positive that I would swim one day in front of him though I had some nagging doubts about my breathing technique and whether or not I could swim on any day.
The day finally reckoned. I swam 10 laps in less than 30 minutes and I, with a flashing smile splashed the water with my hands and screamed to myself “I can swim”; courtesy my coach. It’s official. He declared that I can swim now. How glad am I!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Five prized possessions..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
2 years and one day
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
For the 15th time.

One more Wimbledon passed by and the result, the same, Roger Federer claiming his 6th title at the lush meadows with one difference. This time he had to sweat it out to claim back his lost prized possession thanks to some unbelievable tennis by A-Rod.
Keeping in mind the previous encounters between the two I wanted Andy to win the semis against Murray hoping that the finals would be a walk in the park for the Swiss to become an undisputed emperor in the game of tennis. Always felt that Roddick doesnt have a cat in hell's chance to lift a Grandslam. Not in Fed's era. But there was very little that matched to my thought.
Andy shots equally matched Roger's if not more. I must say my heart missed beats at the break points in the fifth set. And the fifth set was long enough to be a women’s entire match. All I can do is feel sorry for Andy for being a player who was on the winning side most of the game yet lost it.
He deserved the title for the remarkable change in his game. He conceded just one breakpoint and that was enough to wipe of his wimby dreams. Poor fellow, the shutterbugs didn't even give him time to get the grief out of him. Only thing that came to Fed’s rescue were his Aces. Boy, 50 aces in one match!! And the fact is he is no Karlovic.
Fed continues to prove again and again why he is the THE player. He is my all time champion. Inspired me to hold the racket and swing it. I can now play better than most of my mates if not best. He redefined tennis and success. Back to NO.1 spot. Hope he nevers bites the dust. Hail the Emperor. Vamos Federer...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Assault on the eardrums…
Why do I no longer get goose-flesh when I am hearing to the songs of the current generation movies? Let’s say you just heard songs from a newly released movie. What is the probability that you will be wanting to hear the same album (or at least 50% of the total songs) after a month? Am I too harsh? OK lets say two months. And Oh yes I almost forgot to mention. Be meticulous and bother to correct your answer up to three decimal places to make it appear as big as possible. The odds in favour of taking a stroll on the moon are more than listening to those songs…aargh!!
Crass is what I can say. Where have all the musicians gone? Except for ARR and S-E-L. Who has given them the rights to assault our eardrums? Where are the likes of maestro Illayaraja and Burman? I feel saddened at the plight of the Gen X songs. These songs are nothing but cacophonous, reverberating in your ears, resonating with not one but zillion frequencies making it everything but music. A pure aberration. Let’s not even go near to the movie content.
And the abandon your MP3 player or flush out the memory more often, thanks to the flash memory. Blessed is me living in the age of zeros and ones else I would have been double assaulted with tapes.
Ditch the drums for tabla. Replace the electric guitar with sitar. Has the flute become extinct along with dinosaurs? If this is the music custom made for the Gen X, sorry I want the legends to get back to their work. Let the
I feel flustered and flushed.
Monday, June 8, 2009
RF lifts RG!!

Monday, May 25, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The change that is not bitter: Bali
A hiatus in my regular work in the form of an escape channel called
This place is literally inundated with umpteen number of temples. Most of them are Hindus and follow hardcore religious customs. The day we went there it was a new moon day and its auspicious day for them and the people thronged the temples.
I felt strange when people asked whether I am a Hindu. A shake hand would be followed as an acknowledgement saying we are also Hindus. But even more strange was they wear footwear even inside the temple and I had seen many a times people smoking within the premises.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Boarding Pass
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The word ‘Change’ is echoing like never before. I hate to admit that I have started hating that word. Of late changes freak me out. More so I don’t want any change in my life, at least for now. I am happy with the way things are going. I don’t want this damn thing do change my regular chores.
I don’t want new people entering my radar. I don’t want old people leaving the same. It may get ridiculously monotonous. That’s fine…at least it’s not making things doleful. No more mood swings. No more penchants for anything. Just me and my damn environment, which is the product of mine but not the vice versa. What am I? Probably your answer: A damn self-centered bloke. My reply: you got it wrong.
And when it comes to farewells..yes you guessed it right. I loathe airport farewells. Also pickups but on a lighter side for varied reasons.
Reckon my psyche gotta change. I did change. Didn't I? After all Change is the only Constant happening in everyday life. Hmpf.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Renaissance of the old times
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Liddle Liddle Things
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Beach Walker
I have just noticed I forgot posting one important event. Oh damn how could I forget this.. Isnt it such an important event to post? Yes indeed. Considering the fact that I posted even some crap events. Not that my posts are crappy ok.. Dare to call that….This is the window through which my eccentric mood-swings flows.
People who know me will not buy this and people who doesn’t know me will think why did it take so long considering the fact that I was a cageless bird which can reach its wings to the farthest pole.
I felt rambunctious,no qualms. Life is like Saturday night lets do balle balle..:)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A jaunt to Malacca
Finally after five months and with lots of yes-no-yes kind of thoughts the drought is over. Got a break from my not so monotonous schedule. I definitely would have liked to take a break but part of me was holding me back and telling me not to fall for it. Two things added fuel to the fire.
1. It will a short trip.
2. I don’t want a country stamp on my passport which I already have.
But eventually the ‘Do’ won the battle over the 'don’t' for obvious reasons and wasn’t I happy with the result….? Yeah a jaunt with friends will always be fun-filled.
The negative part- My journey time outlasted my stay time at Malacca.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Kail in a new phase...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I feel aweful
I believed Roland Garros is the only
I feel awful…
Friday, January 23, 2009
She used to start the day by seeing him. She was not taught how to spend a day without him. She didn’t feel it was necessary. Now things changed. Everything changed. She lost the company of her own soul. She turns back and sees the voids in the present are all filled by the precious moments in the past.…
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire-'The Underdog'
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Year 2009