Monday, December 8, 2008

The White Tiger

I picked this Booker's choice  last week. The cover page didn't scream that I was the Booker's choice.  It is as if a nursery boy was forced to finished his homework with the devil like creature in front of him with a stick..Initially when I started reading this the tone sounded something strange...Strange in sense its not the one I thought it to be..Its different though not the newest of the kind ...

I liked the way he told about the Darkness which is unfortunately true. The way he tells about the two India concept and a country where you can see a posh place and a slum  just separated by a few miles....

All he tells is perfectly true but I just can't digest it...Yeah I know its oxymoronic but I cant help..He should not have called a spade a spade...Now that this is a Booker's choice I guess many people will pick this, like the way I did and tend to happen a wrong impression on India...

---What a fucking joke

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