Whenever I schedule to meet somebody most of the time it will be me who would end up waiting for the other person/persons. Through out my undergrad it was me always showing up first at the venue. Of course having personal vehicle always helps to make sure you are not late. But then that is only a small incentive. That incentive would not count if you don’t start from your place at the right time. And nothing irks me more than saying ‘Indian timing’ word. It was you who didn’t start at the right time and then blaming the whole system.
Being late is no problem if it doesn’t exceed 30 mins. Beyond that it doesn’t make any sense for excuses. Once in a while blaming traffic can be taken into consideration. I cannot fathom what makes people say excuses all the time. The only way I get this is either they don’t care the other person or they are least bothered to be on time. Of course apologies do galore all the time. But any kind of apologies cannot nullify my lost time. Time lost is lost. Being late shows how unimportant or unwanted the other person is.
I just loathe the thought of waiting for people for long time. There were times when I lost my cool thereby effecting relationships. I am yet to learn the art of waiting. And when you are short of time (my recent